Thursday, April 16, 2009

honey, honey up in the trees.. fields of flowers deep in his dreams

So I've finally succumbed to the lure of the blog.. it was just too impossible to resist! And with classes over and summer just around the bend, I've decided that it's time to get going on my goals for the next four months, which include (in no particular order.. haha, yeah right):

- partying
- traveling
- creative projects (aka blogging, painting, photography, jewelery making..)
- reading

With that said, I'm definitely going to ease into the productive process. I've been reveling in the amazing feeling of sleeping in for the past two days, making myself a huge breakfast, and enjoying the satisfaction of having absolutely NO where to be.

The days are steadily growing longer, and as I type this, there are bright beams of sunlight pouring in through my window. The branches of the trees in my backyard are budding with the promise of leaves to come. I can't wait for soft summer skies and the return of colourful flowers, and the dream of spending summer afternoons lying in a field high as a kite... Here are some photos to spark the imagination.

Can't wait for pretty summer dresses and patio drinks!! Enjoy the nice weather.


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