Wednesday, August 18, 2010

linga sharira

The catharsis of letting go. Of things, of places, of people, of emotions. The cutting loose of all the superfluous ties that bind us to our inner tribulations, and prevent us from truly being free to experience life. To be suffocated by material possessions is a daunting, heavy burden that is borne on the shoulders of our venerable mental health, as the clutter blots out all good energy and asphyxiates perspective. It is the same with lurking thoughts; sneaking suspicions of what-might-have-beens and regrets for all those times when our shortcomings were realized and more than just anxious internal qualms. All of the I-miss-yous and I-hate-yous and the crushing comprehension that those who were once like family to you are now nothing more than strangers...the devastating recognition that surfaces, knowing it will happen again. With lovers, with friends. The world will take you where it will, on the wind’s breath as you blow in and out of cities and love and leave all kinds of new faces. And I suppose that’s life. When you close your eyes at night, there is only you. There is only that heart that beats in your own chest. And at the end of it all, do we want to be remembered for hating or helping others? Jealousy is an addiction, an all-encompassing yearning that springs from some secret insecurity, an outward projection of all the qualities that we detest within ourselves. And life is really too short to spend hating ourselves. It is time to be cleansed of all the negative will we wear around our necks like a yoke; there is only now, only the one you are with, only the self. Therapeutic atonement. Do not covet love and happiness. Carve it out for yourself.

And the credence is lifted…

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