Monday, April 19, 2010

black & white & sex all over

Zuzana Gregorova by Jimmy Backius

the curving contours of your fine figure delineate into a shapely silhouette

bonne nuit et fais de beaux rêves

x o x o

indigenous exquisiteness

Daria Werbowy by Michael Thompson

Close to my skin
I'm a falling in
Someone who's been

Disasters are
Just another star
Falling in my yard

x x
Alexander Wang S/S 2010

Wang manages to transition typical stylistic faux pas (such as matronly grey work-out wear and tying heavy garments around one's waist) into chic sportswear by allowing these elements to showcase the female form in unexpected ways. The muted colour palette of subtle taupes, olives, and greys adds an aspect of understated sophistication to some of the heavier shapes and fabrics. Voluminous, rounded shoulders and an emphasized waistline creates an aggressive silhouette that is offset by exposed midriffs and slouchy pants. Billowing gussets of flimsy gossamer overlay juxtaposed against leather detailing and athletic stripe patterns makes for an unconventional approach to eveningwear. Fun accessories like the coveted Cat Eye Frames (drool!) and Leopard Slides gives the collection a touch of Wang whimsy.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

utterly crushed

nothing like pouring your heart soul into a final project and having a prof lambaste it in one fell swoop.
perhaps I'm being too much of a drama queen, but suddenly I'm craving validation for my paltry efforts.
woe is me

Saturday, April 17, 2010

prolific pout

Rococo Inspo

Aurora, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, 1755

The Meeting, Jean-Honoré Fragonard

La coquette fixée, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, 1755

The Fountain of Love, Jean-Honoré Fragonard

The Gardens of the Villa d'Este, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, 1762

L'amant couronné, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, 1772

The Happy Lovers, Jean-Honoré Fragonard

The Odalisque, François Boucher

Diana in the Bath, François Boucher

Jupiter and Kallisto, François Boucher 1744

Venus Consoling Love, François Boucher

The Swing, François Boucher

The Musical, François Boucher

Vulcan Presenting Venus with Arms for Aeneas, François Boucher

Toliet of Venus, François Boucher

Leda and the Swan, François Boucher, 1741

L'enlèvement d'Europe, François Boucher, 1747

Venus and Love, François Boucher

Marie Louise O'Murphy mistress to LouisXV, François Boucher, 1752

Jupiter In the Guise of Diana and the Nymph Callisto, François Boucher, 1759

Champs Elysées, Jean-Antoine Watteau

The Music Lesson, Jean-Antoine Watteau, 1719

Embarque para Citera, Jean-Antoine Watteau

The Love Song, Jean-Antoine Watteau, 1717

... too much? I couldn't resist. I long to live in a world where such exquisite frivolity reigns supreme.

Art binges make real life seem OH SO blas